Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Find a doula in network with your insurance:

  • Neighborhood Health Plan

    Jenn Fantasia
    Latisha Michel
    Paulette Butler
    Susie Finnerty

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of RI

    Jenn Fantasia
    Susie Finnerty

  • United Health Care

    Courtney Hoyle
    Latisha Michel
    Jacquie Procopio
    Susie Finnerty

  • Tufts Health Plan - Commercial only

    Tufts has decided to only cover our doulas for their commercial members. If you are a Medicaid member with Tufts, please contact them directly. They are obligated to provide doulas for their Medicaid members.

    Susie Finnerty